I can help you if

  • You have tried all conventional treatments to reduce Acne 
  • Can’t seem to overcome eczema or skin rashes
  • Can’t seem to lose weight and want to feel comfortable in your body
  • Struggling with digestive issues like constant bloating, chronic constipation and diarrhoea
  • Suffering from seasonal allergies, rhinitis and a blocked nose
  • Getting frequent colds, flu and infections
  • You wake up tired and constantly low energy
         And you are ready to:
  •  change your diet
  •  support your health naturally 
  •  improve your exercise regime 
  • dive into the root cause and address them
  • slowly improve your lifestyle for your longevity  

Please book your FREE 30-minute discovery call to understand what you are looking to achieve through Nutritional Therapy and to give you an idea of how we will work together to achieve your goals  


Initial Consultation 90 minutes –  £150 

I will send you a questionnaire with 3-day food diary before the consultation to ensure I focus on key areas of your health concern during the initial consultation.

During the consultation, I will take a full history of your past and current symptoms, medications and lifestyle. Your health goals will be decided together and I will use these to develop a personalised and realistic plan for you to follow.

After consultation, you will receive a detailed plan including diet, lifestyle and supplements. Depending on the severity of the symptoms I may require you to perform testing through your GP or privately.

You will receive 10% discount on supplements

Follow-up Consultation 45 minutes – £75

Follow-up consultation will take place 6 weeks after the initial, where I will go through your progress and make necessary changes. Go through laboratory tests where nessesary.  

After consultation, you will receive a revised nutritional, lifestyle and supplement plan.

You may need more follow-up sessions, depending on your goals and the severity of your symptoms. 

Personalised non-toxic skincare regime (product at extra cost) 

You will receive 10% discount on supplements


Relieve 4 months £550

This is for you if you

Have been struggling to clear Eczema

Can’t find the root cause

Confused about different diets

Struggling to have a clear skin

Lost confidence

Have a busy lifestyle

Tired of using topical treatments that mask the symptoms

Want to reduce or eliminate steroid creams

What is included

90 minutes initial consultation

3 x 45 minutes follow-up consultations

Personalised and revised plan after each consultation

Simple and manageable changes

Email support throughout

Finding a root cause 

Easy to follow recipes

10% off supplements

You will get

Revitalised skin

Reduced inflammation

Increased energy daily

Get back your confidence

Improved mood

Reduced brain fog

Healthy gut

Personalised skincare routine

Improved immunity

Relieve 6 months £800

This is for you if you are

Struggling to clear acne

Lost your confidence

Want to have cleared skin

Want natural ways to reduce acne

Find a root cause for your breakouts

Reduce stress

Ready to change your diet and lifestyle

Suffering from digestive symptoms

What is included

90 minutes initial consultation

4 x 45 minutes follow-up consultations

Personalised and revised plan after each consultation

Simple and manageable changes

Email support throughout

Finding a root cause 

Easy-to-follow recipes

10% off supplement

You will get

Revitalised skin

Reduced inflammation

Increased energy daily

Get back your confidence

Improved mood

Reduced brain fog

Personalised skincare guide

Healthy gut

Improved immunity

Take charge of your health today

Book your free 30-minute discovery call now and start your journey to optimal health with me!

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